Policemen and thieves

You are given a grid of size N×that has the following specifications:

1. Each cell in the grid contains either a policeman or a thief.

2. A policeman can only catch a thief if both of them are in the same row.

3. Each policeman can only catch one thief.

4. A policeman cannot catch a thief who is more than K units away from the policeman.

Write a program to find the maximum number of thieves that can be caught in the grid.


Input: n = 3, k = 1, board = {{'P', 'T', 'P'}, {'T', 'P', 'T'}, {'T', 'T', 'P'}}
Output: 3



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

bool check(vector<vector<char>> &board,
           int xint yint kint n)
    for (int i = 1i <= ki++)

        if (y - i >= 0 && board[x][y - i] == 'T')
            board[x][y - i] = '0';
            return true;
    for (int i = 1i <= ki++)
        if (i + y < n && board[x][i + y] == 'T')
            board[x][i + y] = '0';
            return true;
    return false;

void policemanAndThief(int nint kvector<vector<char>> &board)
    int ans = 0;
    for (int i = 0i < ni++)
        for (int j = 0j < nj++)
            if (board[i][j] == 'P')
        int l = 0;
        int r = 0;
        while (l < police.size() && r < theif.size())
            if (abs(police[l] - theif[r]) <= k)
            if (police[l] > theif[r])
    cout << ans << "\n";
int main()

    int n = 3k = 1;

    vector<vector<char>> board = {{'P''T''P'},


    return 0;

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