You are given a tree with nodes rooted at 1. Now you must assign values to every node and each value can be assigned to only one node. Find the number of ways to assign these N values to N nodes such that for every node, its value is the minimum of all values in its subtree. Output the answer modulo .
Input: 5
1 2
1 3
1 4
3 5
Output: 12
import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;public class TreePermutations {static int MOD = 1000000007;static long[] fact;static long ans;public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {int N = 5;Node[] nodes = new Node[N];for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {nodes[n] = new Node();}int arr[][] = { { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 1, 4 }, { 3, 5 } };for (int n = 0; n < N - 1; n++) {Node a = nodes[arr[n][0] - 1];Node b = nodes[arr[n][1] - 1];a.linked.add(b);b.linked.add(a);a.count.add(0);b.count.add(0);}// dfs(null,nodes[0]);dfs(nodes[0], N);fact = new long[N + 1];fact[0] = 1;for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {fact[i] = (i * fact[i - 1]) % MOD;}ans = 1;for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {nodes[n].visited = false;}// dfs(null,nodes[0],N);dfsAns(nodes[0], N);System.out.println(ans);}static void dfsAns(Node root, int N) {Stack stack = new Stack(N);Stack traversal = new Stack(N);stack.push(root);while (!stack.isEmpty()) {Node node = stack.peek();if (!node.visited) {node.visited = true;Node parent = traversal.peek();if (parent != null) {comb(parent.treeCount, node.treeCount);parent.treeCount -= node.treeCount;}node.treeCount--;traversal.push(node);for (int i = 0; i < node.linked.size(); i++) {Node child = node.linked.get(i);if (child.visited)continue;stack.push(child);}} else {traversal.pop();stack.pop();}}}static void dfs1(Node parent, Node node, int T) {// System.out.println(T +" " +node.treeCount);comb(T, node.treeCount);int nt = node.treeCount - 1;for (int i = 0; i < node.linked.size(); i++) {Node child = node.linked.get(i);if (parent == child)continue;dfs1(node, child, nt);nt -= node.count.get(i);}}static void comb(int n, int r) {if (n > 1 && n != r) {ans = (ans * fact[n]) % MOD;ans = (ans * modInv(fact[r])) % MOD;ans = (ans * modInv(fact[n - r])) % MOD;}}static long x, y;static long modInv(long a) {euclid(a, MOD);return (x % MOD + MOD) % MOD;}static void euclid(long a, long b) {if (b == 0) {x = 1;y = 0;} else {euclid(b, a % b);long t = x;x = y;y = t - (a / b) * y;}}static void dfs(Node root, int N) {Stack stack = new Stack(N);Stack traversal = new Stack(N);stack.push(root);while (!stack.isEmpty()) {Node node = stack.peek();if (!node.visited) {node.visited = true;node.treeCount = 1;traversal.push(node);for (int i = 0; i < node.linked.size(); i++) {Node child = node.linked.get(i);if (child.visited)continue;stack.push(child);}} else {traversal.pop();Node parent = traversal.peek();if (parent != null) {parent.updateCnt(node);}stack.pop();}}}static int dfs1(Node parent, Node node) {node.treeCount = 1;for (int i = 0; i < node.linked.size(); i++) {Node child = node.linked.get(i);if (parent == child)continue;int chCnt = dfs1(node, child);node.treeCount += chCnt;node.count.set(i, chCnt);}return node.treeCount;}static class Node {boolean visited;int treeCount;List<Node> linked = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> count = new ArrayList<>();void updateCnt(Node child) {this.treeCount += child.treeCount;for (int i = 0; i < linked.size(); i++) {if (linked.get(i) == child) {count.set(i, child.treeCount);return;}}}}static class Stack {Node[] data;int pointer;public Stack(int size) { = new Node[size];this.pointer = 0;}void push(Node node) {[pointer++] = node;}Node peek() {if (isEmpty())return null;return[pointer - 1];}Node pop() {return[--pointer];}boolean isEmpty() {return this.pointer == 0;}}}
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