Last Stone Weight

Each turn, we choose the two heaviest stones and smash them together.  Suppose the stones have weights x and y with x <= y.  The result of this smash is:
  • If x == y, both stones are totally destroyed;
  • If x != y, the stone of weight x is totally destroyed, and the stone of weight y has new weight y-x.
In the end, there is at most 1 stone left.  Find the weight of this stone.


Input:  stones[]={2,7,4,1,8,1}
Output: 1



import java.util.PriorityQueue;

public class LastStoneWeight {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int stones[] = { 274181 };

    // function to find the last stone weight
    private static int lastStoneWeight(int[] stones) {

        // make desc priority queue of all stones
        PriorityQueue<Integerq = new PriorityQueue<Integer>((x, y) -> y - x);
        for (int i = 0; i < stones.length; i++) {

        // iterate till the priority queue size is
        // greater than 1
        while (q.size() > 1) {
            // pop top 2 elements
            int x = q.poll();
            int y = q.poll();

            // push the absolute value diff
            // of both the elements
            q.add(Math.abs(x - y));
        // return the top of
        // priority queue
        return q.peek();



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

//function to find the last stone
int lastStoneWeight(vector<int>& stones

    //make priority queue of all stones
    priority_queue <intq(stones.begin(), stones.end());

    //iterate till the priority queue size is
    //greater than 1

            //pop top 2 elements
            int x =;
            int y =; 

            //push the absoulute value diff
            //of both the elements
  //return the top of
  //priority queue
int main()
    return 0;


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