Given the time in numerals we may convert it into words, as shown below:
At , use o' clock. For , use past,
and for use to. Note the space between the
apostrophe and clock in o' clock. Write a program that
prints the time in words for the input given in the format described.
Input: h = 5, m = 47
Output: thirteen minutes to six
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;string timeInWords(int h, int m){vector<string> v = {"zero", "one", "two", "three","four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight","nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve","thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen","sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen","nineteen", "twenty", "twenty one","twenty two", "twenty three", "twenty four","twenty five", "twenty six", "twenty seven","twenty eight", "twenty nine"};string time;if (m <= 30){if (m == 0)time = v[h] + " o' clock";else if (m == 15)time = "quarter past " + v[h];else if (m == 30)time = "half past " + v[h];else if (m == 1)time = v[m] + " minute past " + v[h];elsetime = v[m] + " minutes past " + v[h];}else{if (m == 45)time = "quarter to " + v[h + 1];else if (m == 59)time = v[60 - m] + " minute to " + v[h + 1];elsetime = v[60 - m] + " minutes to " + v[h + 1];}return time;}int main(){int h = 5;int m = 47;cout << timeInWords(h, m) << "\n";return 0;}
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