The Throwable class is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in the Java language. Only objects that are instances of this class (or one of its subclasses) are thrown by the Java Virtual Machine or can be thrown by the Java throw statement.
Implemented Interfaces:
public class Throwable implements Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = -3042686055658047285L;private transient Object backtrace;private String detailMessage;private static class SentinelHolder {public static final StackTraceElement STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL = new StackTraceElement("", "", null,Integer.MIN_VALUE);public static final StackTraceElement[] STACK_TRACE_SENTINEL = new StackTraceElement[] {STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL };}private static final StackTraceElement[] UNASSIGNED_STACK = new StackTraceElement[0];private Throwable cause = this;private StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = UNASSIGNED_STACK;private transient int depth;private static final List<Throwable> SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL = Collections.emptyList();@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Not statically typed as Serializableprivate List<Throwable> suppressedExceptions = SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL;private static final String NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE = "Cannot suppress a null exception.";private static final String SELF_SUPPRESSION_MESSAGE = "Self-suppression not permitted";private static final String CAUSE_CAPTION = "Caused by: ";private static final String SUPPRESSED_CAPTION = "Suppressed: ";public Throwable() {fillInStackTrace();}public Throwable(String message) {fillInStackTrace();detailMessage = message;}public Throwable(String message, Throwable cause) {fillInStackTrace();detailMessage = message;this.cause = cause;}public Throwable(Throwable cause) {fillInStackTrace();detailMessage = (cause == null ? null : cause.toString());this.cause = cause;}protected Throwable(String message, Throwable cause, boolean enableSuppression, boolean writableStackTrace) {if (writableStackTrace) {fillInStackTrace();} else {stackTrace = null;}detailMessage = message;this.cause = cause;if (!enableSuppression)suppressedExceptions = null;}public String getMessage() {return detailMessage;}public String getLocalizedMessage() {return getMessage();}public synchronized Throwable getCause() {return (cause == this ? null : cause);}public synchronized Throwable initCause(Throwable cause) {if (this.cause != this)throw new IllegalStateException("Can't overwrite cause with " + Objects.toString(cause, "a null"), this);if (cause == this)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Self-causation not permitted", this);this.cause = cause;return this;}final void setCause(Throwable t) {this.cause = t;}public String toString() {String s = getClass().getName();String message = getLocalizedMessage();return (message != null) ? (s + ": " + message) : s;}public void printStackTrace() {printStackTrace(System.err);}public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s) {printStackTrace(new WrappedPrintStream(s));}private void printStackTrace(PrintStreamOrWriter s) {// Guard against malicious overrides of Throwable.equals by// using a Set with identity equality semantics.Set<Throwable> dejaVu = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());dejaVu.add(this);synchronized (s.lock()) {// Print our stack traces.println(this);StackTraceElement[] trace = getOurStackTrace();for (StackTraceElement traceElement : trace)s.println("\tat " + traceElement);// Print suppressed exceptions, if anyfor (Throwable se : getSuppressed())se.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, SUPPRESSED_CAPTION, "\t", dejaVu);// Print cause, if anyThrowable ourCause = getCause();if (ourCause != null)ourCause.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, CAUSE_CAPTION, "", dejaVu);}}private void printEnclosedStackTrace(PrintStreamOrWriter s, StackTraceElement[] enclosingTrace, String caption,String prefix, Set<Throwable> dejaVu) {assert Thread.holdsLock(s.lock());if (dejaVu.contains(this)) {s.println(prefix + caption + "[CIRCULAR REFERENCE: " + this + "]");} else {dejaVu.add(this);// Compute number of frames in common between this and enclosing traceStackTraceElement[] trace = getOurStackTrace();int m = trace.length - 1;int n = enclosingTrace.length - 1;while (m >= 0 && n >= 0 && trace[m].equals(enclosingTrace[n])) {m--;n--;}int framesInCommon = trace.length - 1 - m;// Print our stack traces.println(prefix + caption + this);for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++)s.println(prefix + "\tat " + trace[i]);if (framesInCommon != 0)s.println(prefix + "\t... " + framesInCommon + " more");// Print suppressed exceptions, if anyfor (Throwable se : getSuppressed())se.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, SUPPRESSED_CAPTION, prefix + "\t", dejaVu);// Print cause, if anyThrowable ourCause = getCause();if (ourCause != null)ourCause.printEnclosedStackTrace(s, trace, CAUSE_CAPTION, prefix, dejaVu);}}public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s) {printStackTrace(new WrappedPrintWriter(s));}private abstract static class PrintStreamOrWriter {abstract Object lock();abstract void println(Object o);}private static class WrappedPrintStream extends PrintStreamOrWriter {private final PrintStream printStream;WrappedPrintStream(PrintStream printStream) {this.printStream = printStream;}Object lock() {return printStream;}void println(Object o) {printStream.println(o);}}private static class WrappedPrintWriter extends PrintStreamOrWriter {private final PrintWriter printWriter;WrappedPrintWriter(PrintWriter printWriter) {this.printWriter = printWriter;}Object lock() {return printWriter;}void println(Object o) {printWriter.println(o);}}public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() {if (stackTrace != null || backtrace != null /* Out of protocol state */ ) {fillInStackTrace(0);stackTrace = UNASSIGNED_STACK;}return this;}private native Throwable fillInStackTrace(int dummy);public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() {return getOurStackTrace().clone();}private synchronized StackTraceElement[] getOurStackTrace() {// Initialize stack trace field with information from// backtrace if this is the first call to this methodif (stackTrace == UNASSIGNED_STACK || (stackTrace == null && backtrace != null) /* Out of protocol state */) {stackTrace = StackTraceElement.of(this, depth);} else if (stackTrace == null) {return UNASSIGNED_STACK;}return stackTrace;}public void setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) {// Validate argumentStackTraceElement[] defensiveCopy = stackTrace.clone();for (int i = 0; i < defensiveCopy.length; i++) {if (defensiveCopy[i] == null)throw new NullPointerException("stackTrace[" + i + "]");}synchronized (this) {if (this.stackTrace == null && // Immutable stackbacktrace == null) // Test for out of protocol statereturn;this.stackTrace = defensiveCopy;}} void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {s.defaultReadObject(); // read in all fields// Set suppressed exceptions and stack trace elements fields// to marker values until the contents from the serial stream// are validated.List<Throwable> candidateSuppressedExceptions = suppressedExceptions;suppressedExceptions = SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL;StackTraceElement[] candidateStackTrace = stackTrace;stackTrace = UNASSIGNED_STACK.clone();if (candidateSuppressedExceptions != null) {int suppressedSize = validateSuppressedExceptionsList(candidateSuppressedExceptions);if (suppressedSize > 0) { // Copy valid Throwables to new listvar suppList = new ArrayList<Throwable>(Math.min(100, suppressedSize));for (Throwable t : candidateSuppressedExceptions) {// Enforce constraints on suppressed exceptions in// case of corrupt or malicious stream.Objects.requireNonNull(t, NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE);if (t == this)throw new IllegalArgumentException(SELF_SUPPRESSION_MESSAGE);suppList.add(t);}// If there are any invalid suppressed exceptions,// implicitly use the sentinel value assigned earlier.suppressedExceptions = suppList;}} else {suppressedExceptions = null;}if (candidateStackTrace != null) {// Work from a clone of the candidateStackTrace to ensure// consistency of checks.candidateStackTrace = candidateStackTrace.clone();if (candidateStackTrace.length >= 1) {if (candidateStackTrace.length == 1 &&// Check for the marker of an immutable stack traceSentinelHolder.STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT_SENTINEL.equals(candidateStackTrace[0])) {stackTrace = null;} else { // Verify stack trace elements are non-null.for (StackTraceElement ste : candidateStackTrace) {Objects.requireNonNull(ste, "null StackTraceElement in serial stream.");}stackTrace = candidateStackTrace;}}}}private int validateSuppressedExceptionsList(List<Throwable> deserSuppressedExceptions) throws IOException {if (!Object.class.getModule().equals(deserSuppressedExceptions.getClass().getModule())) {throw new StreamCorruptedException("List implementation not in base module.");} else {int size = deserSuppressedExceptions.size();if (size < 0) {throw new StreamCorruptedException("Negative list size reported.");}return size;}} synchronized void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException {getOurStackTrace();StackTraceElement[] oldStackTrace = stackTrace;try {if (stackTrace == null)stackTrace = SentinelHolder.STACK_TRACE_SENTINEL;s.defaultWriteObject();} finally {stackTrace = oldStackTrace;}}public final synchronized void addSuppressed(Throwable exception) {if (exception == this)throw new IllegalArgumentException(SELF_SUPPRESSION_MESSAGE, exception);Objects.requireNonNull(exception, NULL_CAUSE_MESSAGE);if (suppressedExceptions == null) // Suppressed exceptions not recordedreturn;if (suppressedExceptions == SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL)suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<>(1);suppressedExceptions.add(exception);}private static final Throwable[] EMPTY_THROWABLE_ARRAY = new Throwable[0];public final synchronized Throwable[] getSuppressed() {if (suppressedExceptions == SUPPRESSED_SENTINEL || suppressedExceptions == null)return EMPTY_THROWABLE_ARRAY;elsereturn suppressedExceptions.toArray(EMPTY_THROWABLE_ARRAY);}}
Some methods of Throwable class
Throwable(): Constructs a new throwable with null as its detail message.
Throwable(String): This method constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message.
Throwable(Throwable): This method constructs a new throwable with the specified cause and a detailed message of (cause==null ? null: cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detailed message of cause).
Throwable(String, Throwable): This method constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and cause.
addSuppressed(Throwable): This method appends the specified exception to the exceptions that were suppressed in order to deliver this exception.
fillInStackTrace(): This method records within this Throwable object information about the current state of the stack frames for the current thread.
getCause(): Returns the cause of this throwable or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown. (The cause is the throwable that caused this throwable to get thrown.)
getLocalizedMessage(): Creates a localized description of this throwable.
getMessage(): Returns the detailed message string of this throwable.
getStackTrace(): Returns an array of stack trace elements, each representing one stack frame.
getSuppressed(): Returns an array containing all of the exceptions that were suppressed, typically by the try-with-resources statement, in order to deliver this exception.
initCause(Throwable): This method initializes the cause of this throwable to the specified value. (The cause is the throwable that caused this throwable to get thrown.)
printStackTrace(): Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the standard error stream.
printStackTrace(PrintStream): This method prints this throwable and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter): This method prints this throwable and its backtrace to the specified print writer.
setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[]): his method sets the stack trace elements that will be returned by getStackTrace() and printed by printStackTrace() and related methods.
toString(): Returns a short description of this throwable.
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