Snow Howler is the librarian at the central library of the city of HuskyLand. He must handle requests which come in the following forms:
1 x y: Insert a book with y pages at the end of the xth shelf.
2 x y: Print the number of pages in the yth book on the xth shelf.
3 x: Print the number of books on the xth shelf.
1 x y: Insert a book with y pages at the end of the xth shelf.
2 x y: Print the number of pages in the yth book on the xth shelf.
3 x: Print the number of books on the xth shelf.
C Program
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>int *total_number_of_books;int **total_number_of_pages;int main(){int total_number_of_shelves;scanf("%d", &total_number_of_shelves);int total_number_of_queries;scanf("%d", &total_number_of_queries);total_number_of_books = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * total_number_of_shelves);total_number_of_pages = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *) * total_number_of_shelves);for (int i = 0; i < total_number_of_shelves; i++){total_number_of_books[i] = 0;total_number_of_pages[i] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));}while (total_number_of_queries--){int type_of_query;scanf("%d", &type_of_query);if (type_of_query == 1){int x, y;scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);*(total_number_of_books + x) += 1;*(total_number_of_pages + x) = realloc(*(total_number_of_pages + x), *(total_number_of_books + x) * sizeof(int));*(*(total_number_of_pages + x) + *(total_number_of_books + x) - 1) = y;}else if (type_of_query == 2){int x, y;scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);printf("%d\n", *(*(total_number_of_pages + x) + y));}else{int x;scanf("%d", &x);printf("%d\n", *(total_number_of_books + x));}}if (total_number_of_books){free(total_number_of_books);}for (int i = 0; i < total_number_of_shelves; i++){if (*(total_number_of_pages + i)){free(*(total_number_of_pages + i));}}if (total_number_of_pages){free(total_number_of_pages);}return 0;}
5 5 1 0 15 1 0 20 1 2 78 2 2 03 0
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