For the purposes of this challenge, we define a binary tree to be a binary search tree with the following ordering requirements:
1.The data value of every node in a node's left subtree is less than the data value of that node.
2.The data value of every node in a node's right subtree is greater than the data value of that node.
Given the root node of a binary tree, can you determine if it's also a binary search tree?
Complete the function in your editor below, which has 1 parameter: a pointer to the root of a binary tree. It must return a boolean denoting whether or not the binary tree is a binary search tree. You may have to write one or more helper functions to complete this challenge.
Input: tree[]={3,2,4}
Output: Yes
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;struct Node{int data;Node *left;Node *right;Node(int val){this->data = val;this->left = NULL;this->right = NULL;}};bool BST(Node *root, int min1, int max1){if (root == NULL)return true;if (root->data <= min1 || root->data >= max1)return false;return BST(root->left, min1, root->data) && BST(root->right, root->data, max1);}bool checkBST(Node *root){return BST(root, -10001, 10001);}int main(){Node *root = new Node(3);root->left = new Node(2);root->right = new Node(4);if (checkBST(root)){cout << "Yes\n";}else{cout << "No\n";}return 0;}
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