Mongo Basic Operations

Mongo Basic Operations with examples.

Basic Questions

  1. Write a query to Filter mongo document using $gt operator under Employee_Detail collection
  2. Write a query to Filter mongo document using $lte operator under Employee_Detail collection
  3. Write a query to Filter mongo document using $lt operator under Employee_Detail collection
  4. Write a query to Filter mongo document using $gte operator under Employee_Detail collection
  5. Write a query to Filter mongo document using $nin operator under Employee_Detail collection
  6. Write a query to Update Many mongo documents using $set operator under Employee_Detail collection
  7. Write a query to Grouping the Employee using $group operator under Employee_Detail collection
  8. Write a query to find the Employee based on the month of date using $month operator under Employee_Detail collection
  9. Write a Query to Find the Employee based on year of date using $year operator under Employee_Detail collection
  10. Write a Query to Filter Employee using regex on one field, using $regex operator.
  11. Write a Distinct Query with Query Filter in MongoDB
  12. Write a Delete Query in Mongo
  13. Write Query on the date range in Mongo
  14. Write a Sort Query in Mongo
  15. Write a query to limit operation $limit
  16. Write a query to Find Highest Paid Employee
  17. Write a Sort Query based on multiple fields in Mongo
  18. Write a query to Project operation in Mongo
  19. Write a query to Mongo Pipeline to manipulate complex Data
  20. Write a query to Filter undesired data during mongo pipelining
  21. Write a Mongo Pipeline query for the push operation
  22. Write a mongo query for Indexing in mongo
  23. Write a mongo query for text searching
  24. Write a query for Mongo Pipeline with multiple group operations and project operations
  25. Write a mongo query for Mongo pipeline to sum all marks students

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