Given an
The word can be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cells, where "adjacent" cells are horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same letter cell may not be used more than once.
m x n
and a word
, find if the word exists in the grid.The word can be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cells, where "adjacent" cells are horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same letter cell may not be used more than once.
Example 1:
Input: board = {{'A','B','C','E'},{'S','F','C','S'},{'A','D','E','E'}}, word = "ABCCED"
Output: true
public class WordSearch {public static void main(String[] args) {char[][] board = { { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'E' },{ 'S', 'F', 'C', 'S' }, { 'A', 'D', 'E', 'E' } };String word = "ABCCED";System.out.println(exist(board, word));}static public boolean exist(char[][] board, String word) {// base conditionif (board == null || word == null)return true;// iterate till end of boardfor (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < board[i].length; j++) {if (board[i][j] == word.charAt(0) && dfs(board, i, j, 0, word))return true;}}return false;}static public boolean dfs(char[][] board, int i, int j, int count,String word) {// base conditionif (count == word.length())return true;if (i < 0 || i >= board.length || j < 0 || j >= board[i].length ||board[i][j] != word.charAt(count)) {return false;}char temp = board[i][j];board[i][j] = ' ';boolean found = dfs(board, i + 1, j, count + 1, word) ||dfs(board, i - 1, j, count + 1, word)|| dfs(board, i, j + 1, count + 1, word) ||dfs(board, i, j - 1, count + 1, word);board[i][j] = temp;return found;}}
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;//structure for triestruct Trie{bool isleaf;unordered_map<char,Trie*> ump;Trie(){isleaf=false;}};//create a new nodeTrie *newNode(){Trie *node=new Trie();return node;}//function to insert the word into the trievoid insert(Trie *head,string word){//if head is null then//create a new nodeif(head==NULL)head=newNode();Trie *curr=head;//iterate till the length of wordfor(int i=0;i<word.size();i++){//if current element of word is not//present the create a new node for itif(curr->ump.find(word[i])==curr->ump.end())curr->ump[word[i]]=newNode();//update the current to the new character//of the stringcurr=curr->ump[word[i]];}//mark the isleaf as truecurr->isleaf=true;}bool dfs(Trie *curr,vector<vector<char>> &board,int i,int j){//base case if current leaf is true//then return true as the word is found in the gridif(curr->isleaf)return true;//check for valid cell or notif(i<0||j<0||i>=board.size()||j>=board[0].size()||(curr->ump.find(board[i][j])==curr->ump.end()))return false;//store the current cell datachar ch=board[i][j];//mark is as visitedboard[i][j]='.';//call dfs for all four directionsif(dfs(curr->ump[ch],board,i-1,j)||dfs(curr->ump[ch],board,i+1,j)||dfs(curr->ump[ch],board,i,j-1)||dfs(curr->ump[ch],board,i,j+1))return true;//reset the current data as the previous//as same as backtrackboard[i][j]=ch;//if word is not found then return falsereturn false;}//function to check if word is found in the grid or//notbool exist(vector<vector<char>>& board, string word){//create a new trieTrie *node=new Trie();//insert the word into the trieinsert(node,word);Trie *temp=node;//iterate for all cellsfor(int i=0;i<board.size();i++){for(int j=0;j<board[0].size();j++)if(temp->ump[board[i][j]]&&dfs(node,board,i,j))return true;}return false;}int main(){vector<vector<char>>board ={{'A','B','C','E'},{'S','F','C','S'},{'A','D','E','E'}};string word="ABCCED";if(exist(board,word))cout<<"true";elsecout<<"false";return 0;}
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