toString(): This method is available in the class of Java.
This method returns the content of this URI as a string.
Parameters: NA
Returns: The string form of this URI.
Exceptions: NA
package com.URI;import;import;public class URItoString {public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException {String scheme = "https", userInfo = "userInfo", host = "localhost", path = "/hello", query = "param=value",fragment = "fragment";int port = 8080;URI uri = new URI(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragment);System.out.println(uri.toString());}}
Some other methods of URI class
URI(String): This method constructs a URI by parsing the given string.
URI(String, String, String): This method constructs a URI from the given components. A component may be left undefined by passing null.
URI(String, String, String, String): This method constructs a hierarchical URI from the given components.
URI(String, String, String, String, String): This method constructs a hierarchical URI from the given components. If a scheme is given then the path, if also given, must either be empty or begin with a slash character ('/'). Otherwise, a component of the new URI may be left undefined by passing null for the corresponding parameter.
URI(String, String, String, int, String, String, String): This method constructs a hierarchical URI from the given components. If a scheme is given then the path, if also given, must either be empty or begin with a slash character ('/'). Otherwise, a component of the new URI may be left undefined by passing null for the corresponding parameter or, in the case of the port parameter, bypassing -1.
compareTo(URI): This method compares this URI to another object, which must be a URI.
URI.create(String): This method creates a URI by parsing the given string.
equals(Object): This method tests this URI for equality with another object.
getAuthority(): This method returns the decoded authority component of this URI.
getFragment(): This method returns the decoded fragment component of this URI.
getHost(): This method returns the host component of this URI.
getPath(): This method returns the decoded path component of this URI.
getPort(): This method returns the port number of this URI.
getQuery(): This method returns the decoded query component of this URI.
getRawAuthority(): This method returns the raw authority component of this URI.
getRawFragment(): This method returns the raw fragment component of this URI.
getRawPath(): This method returns the raw path component of this URI.
getRawQuery(): This method returns the raw query component of this URI.
getRawSchemeSpecificPart(): This method returns the raw scheme-specific part of this URI. The scheme-specific part is never undefined, though it may be empty.
getRawUserInfo(): This method returns the raw user-information component of this URI.
getScheme(): This method returns the scheme component of this URI.
hashCode(): This method returns a hash code value for this URI.
isAbsolute(): This method tells whether or not this URI is absolute.
isOpaque(): This method tells whether or not this URI is opaque.
normalize(): This method normalizes this URI's path.
parseServerAuthority(): This method attempts to parse this URI's authority component if defined, into user information, host, and port components.
relativize(URI): This method relativizes the given URI against this URI.
resolve(String): This method constructs a new URI by parsing the given string and then resolving it against this URI.
resolve(URI): This method resolves the given URI against this URI
toASCIIString(): This method returns the content of this URI as a US-ASCII string.
toString(): This method returns the content of this URI as a string.
toURL(): This method constructs a URL from this URI.
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